How To Avoid Eye Infections?
- Posted on: Jan 15 2019
With cold season in full force, you may be doing your best to prevent your kids from getting sick. With so many different viruses floating around, it’s during this time of year that we see a lot of patients for is conjunctivitis or pink eye. So, how can you avoid getting one of these nasty eye infections?
Wash Your Hands
Just like with any sort of virus, the best thing you can do is wash your hands all the time. If you don’t have a sink that’s handy, then carry around some hand sanitizer with you. Hand sanitizer is another great way for you to clean your hands and fight off germs.
Wash Your Kids Hands
If you have little kids then you know just how sick they can get. And if they are crawling around all day long at daycare or preschool then they are bound to pick up enough germs to pass around to everyone in your family. Try to make sure that you wash your kid’s hands on a regular basis so that they don’t get sick themselves or spread their germs either.
Don’t Touch Your Eyes
The fastest way for you to get an eye infection like conjunctivitis is to touch your eyes on a repeated basis. Try to get into the habit of not touching your eyes or even near your eyes through the day. If you have an itch to scratch near your eyes, make sure that you wash your hands beforehand.
These tips aren’t foolproof but they may help you avoid getting pink eye this year. To learn more about how you can avoid getting pink eye, contact our Everett office today and call us at (425) 259-2020.
Posted in: Routine Eye Care